BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Solspace/Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240727T001212 DESCRIPTION:As they explore the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s temporary exhibition “Memories Steeped in Dream”\, children aged 5 and 6 discover the magical world of Fernand Léger\, a worl d inspired by the circus\, and then make their own construct ions! DTSTART:20231001T120000 DTEND:20231001T131500 SUMMARY:The magical circus world! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240727T001212 DESCRIPTION:As they explore the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s temporary exhibition “Memories Steeped in Dream”\, children aged 5 and 6 discover the magical world of Fernand Léger\, a worl d inspired by the circus\, and then make their own construct ions! DTSTART:20231008T120000 DTEND:20231008T131500 SUMMARY:The magical circus world! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240727T001212 DESCRIPTION:As they explore the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s temporary exhibition “Memories Steeped in Dream”\, children aged 5 and 6 discover the magical world of Fernand Léger\, a worl d inspired by the circus\, and then make their own construct ions! DTSTART:20231015T120000 DTEND:20231015T131500 SUMMARY:The magical circus world! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240727T001212 DESCRIPTION:As they explore the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s temporary exhibition “Memories Steeped in Dream”\, children aged 5 and 6 discover the magical world of Fernand Léger\, a worl d inspired by the circus\, and then make their own construct ions! DTSTART:20231022T120000 DTEND:20231022T131500 SUMMARY:The magical circus world! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240727T001212 DESCRIPTION:As they explore the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s temporary exhibition “Memories Steeped in Dream”\, children aged 5 and 6 discover the magical world of Fernand Léger\, a worl d inspired by the circus\, and then make their own construct ions! DTSTART:20231029T120000 DTEND:20231029T131500 SUMMARY:The magical circus world! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240727T001212 DESCRIPTION:As they explore the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s temporary exhibition “Memories Steeped in Dream”\, children aged 5 and 6 discover the magical world of Fernand Léger\, a worl d inspired by the circus\, and then make their own construct ions! DTSTART:20231105T120000 DTEND:20231105T131500 SUMMARY:The magical circus world! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240727T001212 DESCRIPTION:As they explore the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s temporary exhibition “Memories Steeped in Dream”\, children aged 5 and 6 discover the magical world of Fernand Léger\, a worl d inspired by the circus\, and then make their own construct ions! DTSTART:20231112T120000 DTEND:20231112T131500 SUMMARY:The magical circus world! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240727T001212 DESCRIPTION:As they explore the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s temporary exhibition “Memories Steeped in Dream”\, children aged 5 and 6 discover the magical world of Fernand Léger\, a worl d inspired by the circus\, and then make their own construct ions! DTSTART:20231119T120000 DTEND:20231119T131500 SUMMARY:The magical circus world! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240727T001212 DESCRIPTION:As they explore the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s temporary exhibition “Memories Steeped in Dream”\, children aged 5 and 6 discover the magical world of Fernand Léger\, a worl d inspired by the circus\, and then make their own construct ions! DTSTART:20231126T120000 DTEND:20231126T131500 SUMMARY:The magical circus world! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240727T001212 DESCRIPTION:As they explore the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s temporary exhibition “Memories Steeped in Dream”\, children aged 5 and 6 discover the magical world of Fernand Léger\, a worl d inspired by the circus\, and then make their own construct ions! DTSTART:20231203T120000 DTEND:20231203T131500 SUMMARY:The magical circus world! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR