BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Solspace/Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240518T195324 DESCRIPTION:The B&E Goulandris Foundation ends the year with a new serie s of thematic guided tours\, titled “Artist couples in the B&E Goulandris Foundation Collection”\, that will take pl ace on certain Fridays and Saturdays in December. The guided tours are in Greek. DTSTART:20231208T140000 DTEND:20231208T184500 SUMMARY:Artist Couples Thematic guided tours of the B&E Goulandris F oundation Collection END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240518T195324 DESCRIPTION:The B&E Goulandris Foundation ends the year with a new serie s of thematic guided tours\, titled “Artist couples in the B&E Goulandris Foundation Collection”\, that will take pl ace on certain Fridays and Saturdays in December. The guided tours are in Greek. DTSTART:20231209T140000 DTEND:20231209T184500 SUMMARY:Artist Couples Thematic guided tours of the B&E Goulandris F oundation Collection END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240518T195324 DESCRIPTION:The B&E Goulandris Foundation ends the year with a new serie s of thematic guided tours\, titled “Artist couples in the B&E Goulandris Foundation Collection”\, that will take pl ace on certain Fridays and Saturdays in December. The guided tours are in Greek. DTSTART:20231215T140000 DTEND:20231215T184500 SUMMARY:Artist Couples Thematic guided tours of the B&E Goulandris F oundation Collection END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240518T195324 DESCRIPTION:The B&E Goulandris Foundation ends the year with a new serie s of thematic guided tours\, titled “Artist couples in the B&E Goulandris Foundation Collection”\, that will take pl ace on certain Fridays and Saturdays in December. The guided tours are in Greek. DTSTART:20231216T140000 DTEND:20231216T184500 SUMMARY:Artist Couples Thematic guided tours of the B&E Goulandris F oundation Collection END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR