BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Solspace/Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240210T160000 DTEND:20240210T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240217T160000 DTEND:20240217T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240224T160000 DTEND:20240224T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240302T160000 DTEND:20240302T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240309T160000 DTEND:20240309T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240316T160000 DTEND:20240316T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240323T160000 DTEND:20240323T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240330T160000 DTEND:20240330T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240406T160000 DTEND:20240406T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240413T160000 DTEND:20240413T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240420T160000 DTEND:20240420T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240427T160000 DTEND:20240427T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240501T160000 DTEND:20240501T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240508T160000 DTEND:20240508T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240511T160000 DTEND:20240511T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240518T160000 DTEND:20240518T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240525T160000 DTEND:20240525T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240601T160000 DTEND:20240601T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240608T160000 DTEND:20240608T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250122T215751 DESCRIPTION:In the new workshop of the B&E Goulandris Foundation “What ’s hidden inside the hat”\, children aged between 20 mon ths and 3 years old together with one parent/guardian learn about the artist Karel Appel with the help of music and expe riment with new techniques and materials. DTSTART:20240615T160000 DTEND:20240615T170000 SUMMARY:What’s hidden inside the hat? Workshop for children aged b etween 20 months and 3 years old and one parent/guardian END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR