BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Solspace/Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250115T051805 DESCRIPTION:How many dots of pure colour does Paul Signac mix in his wor k to give us these lovely tones? Could we also create our ow n unique work by drawing inspiration from the work of the gr eat artist? DTSTART:20240120T113000 DTEND:20240120T124500 SUMMARY:Pointillism\, a mosaic! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250115T051805 DESCRIPTION:How many dots of pure colour does Paul Signac mix in his wor k to give us these lovely tones? Could we also create our ow n unique work by drawing inspiration from the work of the gr eat artist? DTSTART:20240127T113000 DTEND:20240127T124500 SUMMARY:Pointillism\, a mosaic! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250115T051805 DESCRIPTION:How many dots of pure colour does Paul Signac mix in his wor k to give us these lovely tones? Could we also create our ow n unique work by drawing inspiration from the work of the gr eat artist? DTSTART:20240203T113000 DTEND:20240203T124500 SUMMARY:Pointillism\, a mosaic! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250115T051805 DESCRIPTION:How many dots of pure colour does Paul Signac mix in his wor k to give us these lovely tones? Could we also create our ow n unique work by drawing inspiration from the work of the gr eat artist? DTSTART:20240210T113000 DTEND:20240210T124500 SUMMARY:Pointillism\, a mosaic! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250115T051805 DESCRIPTION:How many dots of pure colour does Paul Signac mix in his wor k to give us these lovely tones? Could we also create our ow n unique work by drawing inspiration from the work of the gr eat artist? DTSTART:20240217T113000 DTEND:20240217T124500 SUMMARY:Pointillism\, a mosaic! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250115T051805 DESCRIPTION:How many dots of pure colour does Paul Signac mix in his wor k to give us these lovely tones? Could we also create our ow n unique work by drawing inspiration from the work of the gr eat artist? DTSTART:20240224T113000 DTEND:20240224T124500 SUMMARY:Pointillism\, a mosaic! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250115T051805 DESCRIPTION:How many dots of pure colour does Paul Signac mix in his wor k to give us these lovely tones? Could we also create our ow n unique work by drawing inspiration from the work of the gr eat artist? DTSTART:20240302T113000 DTEND:20240302T124500 SUMMARY:Pointillism\, a mosaic! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250115T051805 DESCRIPTION:How many dots of pure colour does Paul Signac mix in his wor k to give us these lovely tones? Could we also create our ow n unique work by drawing inspiration from the work of the gr eat artist? DTSTART:20240309T113000 DTEND:20240309T124500 SUMMARY:Pointillism\, a mosaic! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250115T051805 DESCRIPTION:How many dots of pure colour does Paul Signac mix in his wor k to give us these lovely tones? Could we also create our ow n unique work by drawing inspiration from the work of the gr eat artist? DTSTART:20240316T113000 DTEND:20240316T124500 SUMMARY:Pointillism\, a mosaic! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250115T051805 DESCRIPTION:How many dots of pure colour does Paul Signac mix in his wor k to give us these lovely tones? Could we also create our ow n unique work by drawing inspiration from the work of the gr eat artist? DTSTART:20240323T113000 DTEND:20240323T124500 SUMMARY:Pointillism\, a mosaic! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250115T051805 DESCRIPTION:How many dots of pure colour does Paul Signac mix in his wor k to give us these lovely tones? Could we also create our ow n unique work by drawing inspiration from the work of the gr eat artist? DTSTART:20240330T113000 DTEND:20240330T124500 SUMMARY:Pointillism\, a mosaic! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250115T051805 DESCRIPTION:How many dots of pure colour does Paul Signac mix in his wor k to give us these lovely tones? Could we also create our ow n unique work by drawing inspiration from the work of the gr eat artist? DTSTART:20240406T113000 DTEND:20240406T124500 SUMMARY:Pointillism\, a mosaic! Workshop for children aged 5-6 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR