BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Solspace/Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250306T233025 DESCRIPTION:The B&E Goulandris Foundation\, in collaboration with cerami st Elpida Kourtzi\, is organising the pottery workshop for a dults and teens (15+) “Pottery and the art of Engraving: M aking engraved and coloured ceramic utility objects” that will consist of two meetings. DTSTART:20241115T171500 DTEND:20241115T194500 SUMMARY:"Pottery and the art of Engraving": Making engraved and colo ured ceramic utility objects Engraved pottery workshop for a dults and teens (15+) with Elpida Kourtzi (in Greek) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250306T233025 DESCRIPTION:The B&E Goulandris Foundation\, in collaboration with cerami st Elpida Kourtzi\, is organising the pottery workshop for a dults and teens (15+) “Pottery and the art of Engraving: M aking engraved and coloured ceramic utility objects” that will consist of two meetings. DTSTART:20241122T171500 DTEND:20241122T194500 SUMMARY:"Pottery and the art of Engraving": Making engraved and colo ured ceramic utility objects Engraved pottery workshop for a dults and teens (15+) with Elpida Kourtzi (in Greek) END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR