BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Solspace/Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T232612 DESCRIPTION:At the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s workshop “Brick & Ink !”\, children aged 5-7 use their favourite bricks to make their own landscapes\, constructing them step by step on a l arge surface. They experiment with geometric forms\, shapes and motifs and produce images from a dreamy\, three-dimensio nal world where imagination has no limits. DTSTART:20250202T100000 DTEND:20250202T111500 SUMMARY:Brick & Ink! Workshop for children aged 5-7 (in Greek) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T232612 DESCRIPTION:At the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s workshop “Brick & Ink !”\, children aged 5-7 use their favourite bricks to make their own landscapes\, constructing them step by step on a l arge surface. They experiment with geometric forms\, shapes and motifs and produce images from a dreamy\, three-dimensio nal world where imagination has no limits. DTSTART:20250209T100000 DTEND:20250209T111500 SUMMARY:Brick & Ink! Workshop for children aged 5-7 (in Greek) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T232612 DESCRIPTION:At the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s workshop “Brick & Ink !”\, children aged 5-7 use their favourite bricks to make their own landscapes\, constructing them step by step on a l arge surface. They experiment with geometric forms\, shapes and motifs and produce images from a dreamy\, three-dimensio nal world where imagination has no limits. DTSTART:20250216T100000 DTEND:20250216T111500 SUMMARY:Brick & Ink! Workshop for children aged 5-7 (in Greek) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T232612 DESCRIPTION:At the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s workshop “Brick & Ink !”\, children aged 5-7 use their favourite bricks to make their own landscapes\, constructing them step by step on a l arge surface. They experiment with geometric forms\, shapes and motifs and produce images from a dreamy\, three-dimensio nal world where imagination has no limits. DTSTART:20250223T100000 DTEND:20250223T111500 SUMMARY:Brick & Ink! Workshop for children aged 5-7 (in Greek) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T232612 DESCRIPTION:At the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s workshop “Brick & Ink !”\, children aged 5-7 use their favourite bricks to make their own landscapes\, constructing them step by step on a l arge surface. They experiment with geometric forms\, shapes and motifs and produce images from a dreamy\, three-dimensio nal world where imagination has no limits. DTSTART:20250302T100000 DTEND:20250302T111500 SUMMARY:Brick & Ink! Workshop for children aged 5-7 (in Greek) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T232612 DESCRIPTION:At the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s workshop “Brick & Ink !”\, children aged 5-7 use their favourite bricks to make their own landscapes\, constructing them step by step on a l arge surface. They experiment with geometric forms\, shapes and motifs and produce images from a dreamy\, three-dimensio nal world where imagination has no limits. DTSTART:20250309T100000 DTEND:20250309T111500 SUMMARY:Brick & Ink! Workshop for children aged 5-7 (in Greek) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T232612 DESCRIPTION:At the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s workshop “Brick & Ink !”\, children aged 5-7 use their favourite bricks to make their own landscapes\, constructing them step by step on a l arge surface. They experiment with geometric forms\, shapes and motifs and produce images from a dreamy\, three-dimensio nal world where imagination has no limits. DTSTART:20250316T100000 DTEND:20250316T111500 SUMMARY:Brick & Ink! Workshop for children aged 5-7 (in Greek) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T232612 DESCRIPTION:At the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s workshop “Brick & Ink !”\, children aged 5-7 use their favourite bricks to make their own landscapes\, constructing them step by step on a l arge surface. They experiment with geometric forms\, shapes and motifs and produce images from a dreamy\, three-dimensio nal world where imagination has no limits. DTSTART:20250323T100000 DTEND:20250323T111500 SUMMARY:Brick & Ink! Workshop for children aged 5-7 (in Greek) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T232612 DESCRIPTION:At the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s workshop “Brick & Ink !”\, children aged 5-7 use their favourite bricks to make their own landscapes\, constructing them step by step on a l arge surface. They experiment with geometric forms\, shapes and motifs and produce images from a dreamy\, three-dimensio nal world where imagination has no limits. DTSTART:20250330T100000 DTEND:20250330T111500 SUMMARY:Brick & Ink! Workshop for children aged 5-7 (in Greek) END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR