BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Solspace/Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T230557 DESCRIPTION:At the “Club of the Misunderstood” we will find differen t animals and plants like the spider\, which causes us fear but at the same time protects us from diseases\; the worm\, that makes us think of dirt but is also the hero of the eart h\; or the nettle\, that stings but also feeds butterflies a nd rejuvenates the ground. DTSTART:20250202T114500 DTEND:20250202T131500 SUMMARY:The Club of the Misunderstood Workshop for children aged 8-1 2 (in Greek) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T230557 DESCRIPTION:At the “Club of the Misunderstood” we will find differen t animals and plants like the spider\, which causes us fear but at the same time protects us from diseases\; the worm\, that makes us think of dirt but is also the hero of the eart h\; or the nettle\, that stings but also feeds butterflies a nd rejuvenates the ground. DTSTART:20250209T114500 DTEND:20250209T131500 SUMMARY:The Club of the Misunderstood Workshop for children aged 8-1 2 (in Greek) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T230557 DESCRIPTION:At the “Club of the Misunderstood” we will find differen t animals and plants like the spider\, which causes us fear but at the same time protects us from diseases\; the worm\, that makes us think of dirt but is also the hero of the eart h\; or the nettle\, that stings but also feeds butterflies a nd rejuvenates the ground. DTSTART:20250216T114500 DTEND:20250216T131500 SUMMARY:The Club of the Misunderstood Workshop for children aged 8-1 2 (in Greek) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T230557 DESCRIPTION:At the “Club of the Misunderstood” we will find differen t animals and plants like the spider\, which causes us fear but at the same time protects us from diseases\; the worm\, that makes us think of dirt but is also the hero of the eart h\; or the nettle\, that stings but also feeds butterflies a nd rejuvenates the ground. DTSTART:20250223T114500 DTEND:20250223T131500 SUMMARY:The Club of the Misunderstood Workshop for children aged 8-1 2 (in Greek) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T230557 DESCRIPTION:At the “Club of the Misunderstood” we will find differen t animals and plants like the spider\, which causes us fear but at the same time protects us from diseases\; the worm\, that makes us think of dirt but is also the hero of the eart h\; or the nettle\, that stings but also feeds butterflies a nd rejuvenates the ground. DTSTART:20250302T114500 DTEND:20250302T131500 SUMMARY:The Club of the Misunderstood Workshop for children aged 8-1 2 (in Greek) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T230557 DESCRIPTION:At the “Club of the Misunderstood” we will find differen t animals and plants like the spider\, which causes us fear but at the same time protects us from diseases\; the worm\, that makes us think of dirt but is also the hero of the eart h\; or the nettle\, that stings but also feeds butterflies a nd rejuvenates the ground. DTSTART:20250309T114500 DTEND:20250309T131500 SUMMARY:The Club of the Misunderstood Workshop for children aged 8-1 2 (in Greek) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T230557 DESCRIPTION:At the “Club of the Misunderstood” we will find differen t animals and plants like the spider\, which causes us fear but at the same time protects us from diseases\; the worm\, that makes us think of dirt but is also the hero of the eart h\; or the nettle\, that stings but also feeds butterflies a nd rejuvenates the ground. DTSTART:20250316T114500 DTEND:20250316T131500 SUMMARY:The Club of the Misunderstood Workshop for children aged 8-1 2 (in Greek) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T230557 DESCRIPTION:At the “Club of the Misunderstood” we will find differen t animals and plants like the spider\, which causes us fear but at the same time protects us from diseases\; the worm\, that makes us think of dirt but is also the hero of the eart h\; or the nettle\, that stings but also feeds butterflies a nd rejuvenates the ground. DTSTART:20250323T114500 DTEND:20250323T131500 SUMMARY:The Club of the Misunderstood Workshop for children aged 8-1 2 (in Greek) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250303T230557 DESCRIPTION:At the “Club of the Misunderstood” we will find differen t animals and plants like the spider\, which causes us fear but at the same time protects us from diseases\; the worm\, that makes us think of dirt but is also the hero of the eart h\; or the nettle\, that stings but also feeds butterflies a nd rejuvenates the ground. DTSTART:20250330T114500 DTEND:20250330T131500 SUMMARY:The Club of the Misunderstood Workshop for children aged 8-1 2 (in Greek) END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR