BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Solspace/Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250312T201501 DESCRIPTION:Through his large-scale artworks and his vibrant colours\, N icholas Kontaxis reveals his unique way of communicating wit h the world. The B&E Goulandris Foundation opens a window in to his studio\, giving the opportunity to children aged 8-12 to discover a different form of artistic expression. DTSTART:20250322T114500 DTEND:20250322T131500 SUMMARY:Ode to Color Workshop for children aged 8-12 years END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250312T201501 DESCRIPTION:Through his large-scale artworks and his vibrant colours\, N icholas Kontaxis reveals his unique way of communicating wit h the world. The B&E Goulandris Foundation opens a window in to his studio\, giving the opportunity to children aged 8-12 to discover a different form of artistic expression. DTSTART:20250329T114500 DTEND:20250329T131500 SUMMARY:Ode to Color Workshop for children aged 8-12 years END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250312T201501 DESCRIPTION:Through his large-scale artworks and his vibrant colours\, N icholas Kontaxis reveals his unique way of communicating wit h the world. The B&E Goulandris Foundation opens a window in to his studio\, giving the opportunity to children aged 8-12 to discover a different form of artistic expression. DTSTART:20250405T114500 DTEND:20250405T131500 SUMMARY:Ode to Color Workshop for children aged 8-12 years END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250312T201501 DESCRIPTION:Through his large-scale artworks and his vibrant colours\, N icholas Kontaxis reveals his unique way of communicating wit h the world. The B&E Goulandris Foundation opens a window in to his studio\, giving the opportunity to children aged 8-12 to discover a different form of artistic expression. DTSTART:20250412T114500 DTEND:20250412T131500 SUMMARY:Ode to Color Workshop for children aged 8-12 years END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250312T201501 DESCRIPTION:Through his large-scale artworks and his vibrant colours\, N icholas Kontaxis reveals his unique way of communicating wit h the world. The B&E Goulandris Foundation opens a window in to his studio\, giving the opportunity to children aged 8-12 to discover a different form of artistic expression. DTSTART:20250426T114500 DTEND:20250426T131500 SUMMARY:Ode to Color Workshop for children aged 8-12 years END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250312T201501 DESCRIPTION:Through his large-scale artworks and his vibrant colours\, N icholas Kontaxis reveals his unique way of communicating wit h the world. The B&E Goulandris Foundation opens a window in to his studio\, giving the opportunity to children aged 8-12 to discover a different form of artistic expression. DTSTART:20250503T114500 DTEND:20250503T131500 SUMMARY:Ode to Color Workshop for children aged 8-12 years END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250312T201501 DESCRIPTION:Through his large-scale artworks and his vibrant colours\, N icholas Kontaxis reveals his unique way of communicating wit h the world. The B&E Goulandris Foundation opens a window in to his studio\, giving the opportunity to children aged 8-12 to discover a different form of artistic expression. DTSTART:20250510T114500 DTEND:20250510T131500 SUMMARY:Ode to Color Workshop for children aged 8-12 years END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250312T201501 DESCRIPTION:Through his large-scale artworks and his vibrant colours\, N icholas Kontaxis reveals his unique way of communicating wit h the world. The B&E Goulandris Foundation opens a window in to his studio\, giving the opportunity to children aged 8-12 to discover a different form of artistic expression. DTSTART:20250517T114500 DTEND:20250517T131500 SUMMARY:Ode to Color Workshop for children aged 8-12 years END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR