A Guide to Adolescence - The Body Asks, Do We Listen?

Educational workshop for parents and teachers

We are all the same, yet we are all different, and we should recognize our differences as an essential part of our human existence. This is true of adolescence as well, of course.

Thematic approach: Adolescence is a time of change, questions, and discoveries—especially when it comes to the body, sexuality, and relationships. The workshop "A Guide to Adolescence - The Body Asks, Do We Listen?" invites parents and educators to an open dialogue about sex education, using the films Passarinho and OOTID as a starting point. Through cinematic stories that capture the first period, insecurity, rumors, and the search for identity, the workshop explores how we can talk to children about their bodies and desires with honesty, understanding, and without taboos—because knowledge is power and open communication is the key to a healthy adolescence.

Saturday March 29, 2025 | 12.00-13.00
B&E Goulandris Foundation Library
13 Eratosthenous, Pangrati

Admission is free. Online advance bookings are necessary at goulandris.gr



Niovi Michalopoulou, PsyD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist, with an eclectic background working with individuals and couples. Specializing in adults with ADHD and sexual education. Founding member of the Greek chapter of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysts and Psychotherapists. In 2012 she was elected on the board of ADHD HELLAS, and is currently a member of the Scientific Committee of the organization. Conducts regular sex and relationship workshops for parents and teens.

Specialties: Adult ADHD, Sexual education

Dimitra Petanidou, PhD

I am a psychologist with postgraduate training in Systemic and Family Therapy (Family Therapy Unit, Π.Ν.Α.) and in Psychotraumatology (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing – EMDR at the Athens Institute of Trauma Therapy). Since 2006 I have been collaborating with the Center for Health Services Studies of the Medical School of the University of Athens in the implementation of European and national studies and Health Promotion programs. At the same time, I have worked clinically in Non-Governmental Organizations (FLOGA, MERIMNA, MDA HELLAS) focusing on the psychological care of children/adolescents and their families. I am a member of the scientific committee at ADHD Hellas (Panhellenic Association of People with ADHD).

Psaroloco International Film Festival for Children & Young People

A festival aimed at younger viewers, with their curiosity and spirit of discovery at the core

Lilliputian cinephiles make an appointment with their parents for free quality cinema at the PSAROLOCO International Film Festival for Children & Young People on March 29 and 30 at the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation.

Reservation Required

Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation, Athens
13 Eratosthenous str., Athens 116 35, Greece. Τ. +30 210 72 52 895, F. +30 210 72 35 467, E. visit@goulandris.gr


Saturday March 29, 2025 | 12.00-13.00