Games for Adults: "Art and the 5 Senses"
Specially designed activity for 65+ and persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment on the occasion of International Museum Day
The specially designed activity for persons aged 65+ and persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment Art and the 5 Senses, that is part of the popular “Games for Adults” series run by the B&E Goulandris Foundation and thallo, creates a dialogue between the human senses and the Foundation’s Collection of works by stirring up different memories.
Museums and other cultural organisations are an important part of the ongoing dialogue regarding “active ageing” and the quality of life of the elderly. All the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s activities designed for people aged 65+, that are run in collaboration with thallo and with the support of the TIMA Charitable Foundation, are designed to encourage older people to socialise, to boost their self-confidence and provide a safe way of expression, improving their well-being.
Games for Adults: "Art and the 5 Senses"
Specially designed activity for 65+ and persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment on the occasion of International Museum Day
Thursday May 18, 2023 | 17.30-18.30 & 19.00-20.00
Venue: 2nd floor of the permanent Collection
Number of participants: Έως 15 άτομα
Online bookings are necessary
BOOK NOW* Participants are advised to be at the Museum 15΄ before the tour starts.

13 Eratosthenous str., Athens 116 35, Greece. Τ. +30 210 72 52 895, F. +30 210 72 35 467, E. visit@goulandris.gr
2nd floor – Glancing on the 20th Century