Digital Games for Adults: "Defining the Body"
Online activity for people aged 65+
In the context of Digital Games for Adults -B&E Goulandris Foundation's online activity specifically designed for adults over 65 years old- the second thematic in the series of weekly online interactive tours is presented, entitled Defining the body.
From November 2020 until January 2021, the first thematic of Digital Games for Adults was presented, entitled Common Points.
The activity is conducted in Greek, every Thursday, over Zoom
*Pre-registration for the activity of the week starts every Monday at 11.00 and is concluded every Thursday at 17.00.
A few words about Digital Games for Adults: Defining the body
How would we capture a body today? Would we compose it or deconstruct it?
Throughout history, artists have attempted to depict the human form through artistic creation using colors, materials and techniques. As part of the weekly thematic online meetings of the Goulandris Foundation, Digital game for adults: Defining the body, we look at the works of ten 20th century artists from the B&E Goulandris Foundation Collection.
Using selected works from the Collection as stimulus and the “thallo” method as a tool, participants get acquainted with the world of art, through a process reminiscent of a game. The activity aims at the cultivation of the feeling that older adults remain creative, the transformation of introversion into expression, the strengthening of self-confidence and the encouragement of the use of digital tools while highlighting the value of the visual arts.
An initiative of the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation, implemented by seveneleven and with the support of TIMA Charitable Foundation.
Design - implementation: seveneleven (Notis Paraskevopoulos - Konstantina Maltezou)
Every Thursday
Start time: 19.00
Duration: 60-75 '
For adults over 65 years old
The activity is also aimed at people with mild cognitive impairment of every age.
Up to 25 participants per interactive online tour
Free participation via online pre-registration at
*Pre-registration for the activity of the week starts every Monday at 11.00 and is concluded every Thursday at 17.00.
Participation information:
- Individuals of any age group can participate if there are places available, aiming at the socialisation of older adults and the encouragement of intergenerational contact.
- Participants will receive the information regarding their participation via Zoom on the day of the event, at the email address with which they registered. Please check your Spam or Junk email folders, in case you haven't received the email in your Inbox.
- The same email address can not be used for more than one registrations.
Free participation via online pre-registration
Every Thursday
Start time: 19.00
Duration: 60-75'