The new series of the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s specially designed activities for people aged 60+ and persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment, held in collaboration with the thallo programme and with the valuable support of Alpha Bank, gets under way on Friday September 13.

The latest interactive series of meetings invites participants to explore the world of black and white film, that fleeting memory that seeks its own place in eternity, as it gets tangled up with our own stories and, eventually, allows us to release our feelings.

Is it possible to listen to a picture? Traveling back to the time of film, to the romanticism of impulsive photography, the world that Henri Cartier-Bresson created for us, we discuss the poetic aspects of our own memories at an interactive meeting where participants choose their own “clicks”.

The Digital Games for Adults take place free of charge via Zoom and are open to people from all over the world!

The Foundation’s online activities designed for the elderly present new opportunities to people who are not able to travel to Athens and visit its Collection of works. They further enhance creativity, boost self-confidence and encourage the use of digital tools.

The latest series features three meetings, all of them inspired by the Foundation’s temporary exhibition.

Digital games for adults: “Time and contradictions: Digital meetings of a past era”

Online activity for people aged 65+ and persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment of all ages

Every second Thursday, 19/9, 3/10, 17/10 | 18.00-19.00

Number of participants: Up to 25 persons

The activity takes place online via Zoom
Admission is free and advance bookings are necessary by calling +30 210 72 52 895 or online at

The activity is conducted in Greek

Reservation Required

Online event

Συμμετοχή μέσω ηλεκτρονικής προεγγραφής

Every second Thursday, 19/9, 3/10, 17/10 | 18.00-19.00