Mind and Harmony”, the musical journey of exploration and wellbeing at the B&E Goulandris Foundation, is back on Saturday November 30 with a special new series.

The new series draws inspiration from the Nakis Panayotidis retrospective exhibition “Shut your Eyes and See”. Starting with the work “Nasconditi sapere” and accompanied by a different, each time, string instrument, every Saturday at 17.00 we explore a unique path of art through individual and group meditation and extraversion activities, where music meets theatre, painting and sculpture.

The programme consists of 5 separate meetings and it is possible to participate in more than one meeting; it has been designed to help with mood improvement as well as improve self-confidence and wellbeing.

Mind and Harmony” is held in collaboration with seveneleven and the De Profundis Ensemble. Designed so as to boost mental wellbeing, the programme takes place free of charge with the support of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) as part of the SNF-Release Athens grants, within the framework of SNF’s Global Health Initiative (GHI).

Detailed programme

  • November 30 - Cello
  • December 7 - Violin
  • December 14 - Double bass
  • December 21 - Viola
  • December 28 - Violin

Mind and Harmony

A musical journey of exploration and wellbeing at the B&E Goulandris Foundation

Every Saturday | 17.00-18.00

Number of participants: Up to 15 persons

Admission is free and advance bookings are necessary, at the Foundation’s reception by calling 0030 210 72 52 895 or online at goulandris.gr
* Participants are advised to be at the Museum 15’ before the activity starts.

Reservation Required

Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation, Athens
13 Eratosthenous str., Athens 116 35, Greece. Τ. +30 210 72 52 895, F. +30 210 72 35 467, E. visit@goulandris.gr
Every Saturday | 17.00-18.00