Short Films for Short Children (part A)
Screening at the Foundation's Amphitheatre for children aged 4-6 | Psaroloco International Film Festival for Children & Young People
Short Films for Short Children (part A)
Runtime: 46 min. | Recommended Ages: 4-6 years old
The program presents an anthology of inventive, poetic, moving and funny films that offer a wealth of artistic worlds to explore, characters to meet and stories to share.
The program is prefaced by the actor Yiannis Sarakatsanis.
Saturday March 29, 2025 | 11.00-12.00
B&E Goulandris Foundation Amphitheatre
13 Eratosthenous, Pangrati
Admission is free. Online advance bookings are necessary at goulandris.gr
Animation dir. by Morgane Simon, Arnaud Demuynck I France I 7min. I No dialogue
A child goes carp fishing. But he has the bad idea of bringing his little dog with him. Between the puppy, a frog and a duck, it's not easy to catch a fish...
Animation dir. by Alfredo Soderguit I France, Uruguay, Chili I 10 min. I No dialogue
Hunting season has begun. A family of capybaras seek refuge in a chicken coop, but the hens don't trust them. The curiosity of the youngest members of the families will create a union with unexpected consequences.
Animation dir. by Paul Vollet I Germany I 6 min I No dialogue
Scrubby wants to live in his mother's thick fur forever, but she's starting to lose hair. When he brings back a strand of hair that flew away, all he finds is a pile of hair and a trail in the snow. In search of his mother, Scrubby encounters a naked, freezing creature. Is his fur enough to warm both of them?
Animation dir. by Ignas Meilūnas I Lithuania I 12 min I No dialogue
In a winter wonderland two friends are having a blast ice-skating on a frozen lake when suddenly a strange and unfamiliar world cracks open underneath them. Now they must learn how to deal with the other kind, not letting the fear and preconceptions rule.
Animation by André Carrilho I 8min I Portugal Ι No dialogue
A little girl never stops looking at her phone, not noticing a series of fantastic events around her. Even if a friendly bear wants to give her a hug, she doesn't stop looking at what she thinks is more alluring. Until one day... she discovers a wonderful world waiting for her!
Animation dir. by Katrina Mathers, Leigh Hobbs Australia I 3min I No dialogue
Mr Chicken goes to Mars. It's a big day.

Psaroloco International Film Festival for Children & Young People
A festival aimed at younger viewers, with their curiosity and spirit of discovery at the core
Lilliputian cinephiles make an appointment with their parents for free quality cinema at the PSAROLOCO International Film Festival for Children & Young People on March 29 and 30 at the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation.
13 Eratosthenous str., Athens 116 35, Greece. Τ. +30 210 72 52 895, F. +30 210 72 35 467, E. visit@goulandris.gr