In the city: The sound of a line
Workshop for children and adults!
What is the sound of a neighbourhood Museum and its Collection?
What kind of an artwork can we make using a line?
On Friday June 24 at 18.00, the B&E Goulandris Foundation in collaboration with the Drama Science Lab and Filippa Christofalou, is organising a different kind of acquaintance with the Museum and its Collection through a workshop for teenagers, children aged 3+ and adults.
By activating the body and the senses outside and inside the Museum, and enjoying an unconventional tour of the B&E Goulandris Foundation Collection, participants will set in motion the Museum’s public space and will create their own work of art.
The programme is open to everyone and includes necessary adjustments to accommodate all age groups. Children and adults will experiment with the concept of the line in the Museum’s outdoor area and will seek lines and sounds in the works of the B&E Goulandris Foundation Collection. At the end of the programme, everyone can participate in art activities.
The event is part of the “Culture in the Neighbourhoods” programme, organised by the City of Athens, which takes place June 14 to 30. See the detailed programme at
In the city: The sound of a line
Workshop for children and adults
For teenagers, children aged 3+ and adults
Day and time: Friday June 24, 18.00-19.45
Venue: B&E Goulandris Foundation (13 Eratosthenous str., Athens)
Concept: Filippa Christofalou & The Drama Science Lab
Implementation: Filippa Christofalou, The Drama Science Lab, B&E Goulandris Foundation
Free Admission
Advance booking is necessary at
13 Eratosthenous str., Athens 116 35, Greece. Τ. +30 210 72 52 895, F. +30 210 72 35 467, E.