The B&E Goulandris Foundation’s interactive music programme “Time for music at the Museum!”, held in collaboration with the De Profundis Ensemble, is organized for the third consecutive year.

The programme is addressed to children from 8 months old up to 2.5 years old and a parent/guardian, inviting them to get acquainted with the Museum and its Collection of artworks through music.

This year, young Fivos continues his journey around the B&E Goulandris Foundation and gets to know great composers and artists through musical fairy tales. We travel with the help of a magical book of fairy tales, we listen to the wonderful music produced by string instruments and we discover the unique works of art that are part of the Foundation’s permanent Collection.

At the programme “Time for music at the Museum!” the children, guided by the experienced musicians of the De Profundis Ensemble, learn through various activities key elements of music such as rhythm, dynamics and motifs, surrounded by the unique works of art of the B&E Goulandris Foundation.

The programme consists of monthly series and each month is dedicated to different composers and works of art. Every Saturday the children get acquainted with different string instruments while every first Sunday of the month, at the “Acquaintance with the Orchestra” concert, the entire orchestra performs all the works presented over the previous month. (For the “Acquaintance with the Orchestra” concert click HERE)

→ October: Antonio Vivaldi & Auguste Rodin

The programme’s first series is dedicated to composer Antonio Vivaldi and artist Auguste Rodin, giving children and their parents the opportunity to discover the eternal springtime of a great composer and a great artist.

Saturday 05/10 10.00-10.40 & 10.50-11.30 Violin and Double Bass ADVANCE BOOKINGS
Saturday 12/10 10.00-10.40 & 10.50-11.30 Viola and Double Bass ADVANCE BOOKINGS
Saturday 19/10 10.00-10.40 & 10.50-11.30 Violin, Viola and Cello ADVANCE BOOKINGS
Saturday 02/11 10.00-10.40 & 10.50-11.30 Viola and Double Bass ADVANCE BOOKINGS
Sunday 03/11 10.00-10.40 “Acquaintance with the Orchestra” ADVANCE BOOKINGS



Time for music at the Museum!

Interactive music programme for children from 8 months old up to 2.5 years old and a parent/guardian

Every Saturday | 10.00-10.40 & 10.50-11.30

Venue: The B&E Goulandris Foundation’s permanent Collection galleries

Number of participants: Up to 18 children, with one parent/guardian per child

Cost of participation (one parent/guardian & child): 15€
Cost of participation for Young and Family Members (one parent/guardian & child): 12€

* We would like to inform you that there are no refunds in case of cancellation.

** Each participation concerns one child and one parent/guardian. If another adult wishes to be in the premises and watch the activity from a distance, they will need to purchase an entry ticket to the Museum.

*** It is not necessary to attend the entire series. The programme takes place in monthly series, with every month dedicated to a different country, so that the children can get acquainted with different instruments and composers.

**** During the activity, the parents/guardians sit together with the children on pillows on the floor, forming a circle. You may leave strollers in the gallery, under your responsibility, but we recommend you leave them in the Cloakroom in the Museum’s reception.

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Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation, Athens
13 Eratosthenous str., Athens 116 35, Greece. Τ. +30 210 72 52 895, F. +30 210 72 35 467, E.

Αίθουσες μόνιμης Συλλογής

Every Saturday | 10.00-10.40 & 10.50-11.30