Write Your Own Story!

Creative writing workshop for youth ages 12+

A workshop full of stories, questions, and ideas!

How do we stay true to ourselves? What does it take to follow our dreams? How can stories give us courage?
Inspired by The Island That Travels Through Time, this creative writing workshop invites young writers to explore their own voice.
Through Izzy’s journey to find the courage to be herself and Ariana’s fight for the right to dream, we will reflect on what it means to stand by what truly matters to us.

With fun and engaging exercises, we will write letters to our future selves, reimagine the world as we’d like it to be, and bring characters to life on paper.

A journey into storytelling, self-expression, and the power of words!

Sunday March 30, 2025 | 12.00-13.00
B&E Goulandris Foundation Library
13 Eratosthenous, Pangrati

Admission is free. Online advance bookings are necessary at goulandris.gr



Danai Dragonea

Danaι Dragonea is an award-winning author, journalist, and co-founder of the organization Every Single Story, dedicated to women's storytelling and amplifying female voices. Her novel The Island of Rain – A Secret Diary received the 2023 Debut Author Award for books for children and young adults from the Greek Section of IBBY (International Board on Books for Young People). The same novel also won the 2023 Young Adult Fiction Award from the Public Bookstores (Public Book Awards). She has delivered talks on female identity and gender stereotypes, while Every Single Story's podcast As Long as It Lasts, I’ll Be Here! received special mention at the 64th Thessaloniki International Film Festival. In October 2024, her new book The Island That Travels Through Time was published by Dioptra Editions.

Psaroloco International Film Festival for Children & Young People

A festival aimed at younger viewers, with their curiosity and spirit of discovery at the core

Lilliputian cinephiles make an appointment with their parents for free quality cinema at the PSAROLOCO International Film Festival for Children & Young People on March 29 and 30 at the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation.

Reservation Required

Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation, Athens
13 Eratosthenous str., Athens 116 35, Greece. Τ. +30 210 72 52 895, F. +30 210 72 35 467, E. visit@goulandris.gr


Sunday March 30, 2025 | 12.00-13.00