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Poster featuring Henri Matisse's "The Cowboy, Jazz", 1947, from the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation Collection.

Poster featuring Henri Matisse's "The Nightmare of the White Elephant, Jazz", 1947, from the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation Collection.

Poster featuring Maria Filopoulou's "Pool", 2009, from the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation Collection.

Poster featuring Yannis Tsarouchis' "The Old Customs Warehouse of Piraeus", 1975, from the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation Collection.

Poster featuring Yannis Moralis' "Erotic", 1994, from the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation Collection.

Poster featuring Yannis Moralis' "Erotic", 1977, from the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation Collection.
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