Is it possible to take a line for a walk?

At the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s workshop The line is just the beginning… children aged 7 to 9 will give life to the lines of artist Jean Dubuffet’s Hourloupe cycle and then take them for a walk on the moon.

Every Sunday the children can take part in games invented by surrealists and “enrich” some of the Collection’s most prominent works with unusual elements. In a short story that only lasts seconds, Miró, “the most surrealist of them all” and Dubuffet, who claimed that “art addresses itself to the mind, not the eyes”, interact with each other and coexist with new technologies.

At the workshop The line is just the beginning…, the children become surrealist artists and make an original stop-motion movie, starring a line.

Concept-Implementation: Ioanna Koutsouki, Vicky Christaki

For children aged 7-9

May 8 – June 19
The workshop takes place in Greek

Up to 10 children

Venue: Children’s Workshop

Cost of participation: 15€
Cost of participation for Kid and Family Members: 12€

We would like to remind you that until May 31, 2022, the use of a non-medical mask is required in all Museum areas.

* The cost of participation concerns one child only.

** Children taking part in the workshops are advised to be at the Museum 15’ before the scheduled start time.

*** Parents cannot stay with their children during the workshop. They may remain in the Museum if they wish so and enjoy a drink/snack at the Café-Restaurant or visit the exhibition areas (please keep in mind that neither is included in the cost of participation).

Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation, Athens
13 Eratosthenous str., Athens 116 35, Greece. Τ. +30 210 72 52 895, F. +30 210 72 35 467, E.

Children’s Workshop

08/05/2022 - 19/06/2022 | Every Sunday, 10.30-12.30