Guided tours of the exhibition "Memories Steeped in Dream" by curator Marie Koutsomallis-Moreau
Exclusively for B&E Members
Due to high demand, on Wednesday October 4 the curator of the exhibition will conduct one more guided tour exclusively for B&E Members, at 18.00.
On Wednesday October 4, two guided tours of the temporary exhibition “Memories Steeped in Dream – The Art of the Multiple from the Collection of the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation” with curator Marie Koutsomallis-Moreau will take place exclusively for B&E Members.
The Foundation’s new temporary exhibition, on display until December 3, features approximately 90 lithographs, engravings and ceramics by eight acclaimed 19th and 20th century artists: Aristide Maillol, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri Matisse, Fernand Léger, Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Joan Miró and Balthus.
The curator and Head of the Foundation’s Collection will highlight the importance of multiples, a form of art that has not yet gained the recognition it deserves, and she will also analyse the work of the eight artists represented in the exhibition.
Additionally, she will explain the key role of the valuable collaborators who were involved in editing the works, including Ambroise Vollard, Aimé, Marguerite and Adrien Maeght, Tériade, Fernand Mourlot as well as Suzanne Ramié.
Guided tours of the exhibition "Memories Steeped in Dream" by curator Marie Koutsomallis-Moreau
Exclusively for B&E Members
Wednesday October 4 | 18.00-19.30 & 19.30-21.00
Number of participants: Up to 30 persons
Admission is free exclusively for B&E Members. Advance bookings are necessary, at goulandris.gr
* Participants are kindly asked to be at the Museum 15’ before the start of the guided tour.
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