Marie Koutsomallis-Moreau
Συλλογή Ιδρύματος Βασίλη & Ελίζας Γουλανδρή: Τόμος ΙΙ
Μεταπολεμική & Σύγχρονη Τέχνη (1946 έως σήμερα)
Edition in Greek
Published by
Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation
The second volume featuring the Collection of the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation is dedicated to post-war and contemporary art, from 1946 to the present.
Spanning some 600 pages the catalogue presents more than 100 works of art by Bacon, Pollock, Giacometti, Chagall, Lichtenstein, Picasso, Ernst, César, Claude and François-Xavier Lalanne, Matisse, Miró, Braque, Derain, Balthus, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, de Chirico, Hepworth, Nicholson, Arp, de Saint Phalle, Tinguely, Poliakoff, Fautrier, Soulages, Kiefer, Baselitz, Ruscha, Léger, Botero, Penck, Dubuffet, Rauschenberg, Rouan, Krushenick, Hundertwasser, Schnabel, Richier, Clemente, Mitoraj, Appel, Foujita and Michaux.
*Edition in Greek
28.6 x 24.7 x 5 cm
2700 g