OPEN CALL: We Create from Home!
For kids and teenagers up to 15 years old
We Create from Home!
Get inspired by your favorite objects at home and create your own artwork! Don’t limit yourself to a particular technique or material - feel free to express yourself with anything you can use in your surroundings and share your creations with us, whether they are paintings, sculptures or installations.
If you would like to gain some inspiration beforehand, we encourage you to explore some of the artworks in our online collection, where you will meet other artists who also drew inspiration from their favorite everyday objects. For example, in his painting Still Life with Coffee Pot, the artist Vincent Van Gogh lovingly painted some of the few possessions he lived with. There are other artists in the collection who have decided to focus on their own personal items as a source of inspiration or even turn common objects into works of art, like Paul Gauguin who made his own Carved Cane. Edgar Degas, another great, transformed some of his favorite subjects like the Horse at the Drinking Trough into sculpture to give them a sense of life, for personal pleasure and guided by careful observation of the world around him.
Following your submission, you will have the opportunity to display your artworks on our website through an online gallery, and once the Museum reopens to the public, 25 paintings and 5 installations or sculptures will be selected by a three-member committee, under the supervision of the head of collection of the B&E Goulandris Foundation, to be exhibited in the foyer of the Amphitheater at the museum itself!
Terms of participation
- We can accept up to two artworks per participant.
- Digital images of the artworks must be submitted by 09/05/2020
> EXTENDED UNTIL 19/05/2020 - After completing your artworks, you can scan or photograph them and send the digital images to education@goulandris.gr, including your name and age, as well as the title and dimensions of your artwork. Please also include your contact phone number. In case you have been inspired by any artwork from our collection, please also do mention the title of the artwork and its creator (but this is not a necessary condition to be selected).
- Paintings should not exceed 39 x 50 cm
- Constructions and sculptures should not exceed 40 x 40 x 40 cm
- The final results will be announced on May 31.
- We will contact the selected participants for the exhibition that will take place in the foyer of the Amphitheater with further information after the end of the competition.
Tips for taking a good photo of your artwork
Place your work on a neutral monochrome surface (such as a white wall or floor) and try to center the work in the frame of your camera, while keeping your camera at a parallel straight line from your work (without focusing from an angle for better result). If you see that your photo is blurry, please try again until you have a better result!